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How Can Exercise Help with Mental Health?

How Can Exercise Help with Mental Health?

Getting in shape can help you feel great about yourself. It’s a great way to boost your confidence and self-esteem, and it can also help you feel more connected with the world around you.

Exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on mental health. It can help lower anxiety, improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels. It can also help decrease feelings of depression and isolation, as well as improve your overall mood.

Exercising regularly is also good for your physical health because it helps keep your heart strong and healthy, which helps prevent heart disease and other conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. Exercising regularly also helps maintain a healthy weight, which is important for overall health because being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing certain chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

People with well-balanced diets tend to be healthier than those who don’t.

The same is true for exercise. Research shows that people who are physically active are less likely to develop depression or anxiety. And for those who already have a mental health condition, physical activity and exercise can help ease the symptoms.

Experts have found that exercise can:

  • Increase energy levels and improve mood
  • Improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence
  • Increase self-efficacy (your belief in your ability to do things)

Don’t overdo it.

Too much exercise can make you feel more stressed out than ever, so stick to the recommended amount of physical activity for your age, sex and health condition. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, try these other tips first:

  • Get enough sleep. If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, your body will react with stress hormones that make you feel tired and irritable during the day.
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga. These techniques help you focus on your breathing instead of worrying about everything else that’s going on in your life.
  • Spend time with friends or family who support you when things get stressful — people who love and care about you are great sources of happiness!

Physical activity doesn’t have to be vigorous to have a positive influence on your mental health

A review of research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that even moderate physical activity can improve your mood and help you manage stress. The study also found that people who exercised moderately for 150 minutes per week had lower rates of depression than those who were inactive.

The positive effects of exercise on mental health may be due to increased blood flow, which brings oxygen and nutrients to your brain, as well as endorphins — natural painkillers produced by the body.

Some studies have shown that exercise can help relieve symptoms such as low mood and fatigue in people with depression without causing side effects such as insomnia or weight gain — unlike antidepressants and other medications.


Exercise is one of the best mood boosters around. It can help us feel happier, more energetic and confident.

Exercise is a form of self-care that helps us to look after our physical and emotional health. We all know how important it is to take care of our physical health, but it’s just as important to take care of our emotional wellbeing too.

The benefits of exercise for mental health are many and varied:

  • It can increase wellbeing by increasing your sense of self-worth and improving self-esteem
  • It can improve your mood by releasing endorphins (the ‘feel-good’ hormones) into your bloodstream during exercise. These hormones make you feel happier within minutes of starting an exercise session;
  • Physical activity increases blood flow throughout the body and brain, which helps promote neuron firing (brain cells communicating with each other) in key areas.

We hope this article has helped with some information on how important exercise is for your mental health. It’s also a great thing we have a beautiful community to get exercise in.

Additional References

Exercise can have several benefits for mental health. It can help reduce feelings of depression and stress, enhance mood and overall emotional well-being, increase energy levels, and improve sleep[1][2]. Studies have shown that exercise can be as effective as antidepressant medication in treating mild to moderate depression, but without the side effects[1]. Exercise can also help reduce anxiety and improve symptoms of other mental health conditions such as ADHD and PTSD[1]. As part of a multi-faceted approach to treating depression and anxiety, regular exercise is recommended by psychiatrists and mental health professionals[3].

1. The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise –
Feb 28, 2023 · What are the mental health benefits of exercise? Exercise and depression. Studies show that exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication—but without the … Exercise and anxiety. Exercise and stress. Exercise and ADHD. Exercise and PTSD and trauma.

2. Mental Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity
Exercise can: Reduce feelings of depression and stress Enhance your mood and overall emotional well-being Increase your energy level Improve sleep

3. How Exercise Can Benefit Our Mental Health | Psychology Today
Nov 8, 2022 · As a psychiatrist who treats many patients with co-existing physical and mental health issues, I recommend regular exercise as part of a multi-faceted approach to treating depression and anxiety.